Музыканты всего мира » Ablaze My Sorrow

"If Emotions Still Burn" (1996)


1. If Emotions Still Burns
2. The Rain That Falls
3. Rise Above The Storming Sea
4. Denial (The Way Of The Strong)
5. The Battle
6. My Last Journey
7. As I Face The Eternity
8. My Revenge To Come

"If Emotions Still Burn"

"The Plague" (1997)


1. Dusk...
2. The Truth Is Sold
3. Into The Land Of Dreams
4. Mournful Serenade
5. The Return Of The Mighty Raven
6. I Will Be Your God
7. Plague Of Mine
8. As The Dove Falls Torn Apart
9. Suicide
10. ...Dawn

"The Plague"

"Anger, Hate And Fury" (2002)


1. Erased / Relived
2. Suicidal
3. Where The Strong Life Forever
4. Machine Supreme
5. Paradies
6. Retention Of Illusion
7. Thou Shalt Forever Suffer
8. Shrouded Are The Pleasures Of Flesh
9. Heartless
10. Slit Wide Open
11. Ad Libitum


"Anger, Hate And Fury"

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