Музыканты всего мира » Annal Nathrakh

Not entertaining the avenues of melody or subtle sounds, Annal Nathrakh apply their Black Metal enthusiasm to a degenerate chaos that is consumed by their instruments and indiscriminately puked onto their debut album ‘The Codex Necro’ released on Mordgrimm label. Here rests the most violent aural insanity to erupt from the British Black Metal scene since, well since no one as Anaal Nathrakh can lay claim to the unholy laurels of being the one band who bypass all conventional aspects of the genre and go directly for the throat and never let go. There are no frills or momentary interludes, no fancy innards. Here you will find only the darkest glimpses of Hell and the hyper blasting noise of what the band proclaim is pure Necro. Anaal Nathrakh are the ultimate extremity of Black Metal and aptly end this CD. They sit at the evolutionary tip of the journey that began with Black Widow.

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