Музыканты всего мира » Antichrist

Formed in London in Sept '84 and proudly boasting such participants as, Steaming Entrails [vocals], The Necrophilliac [bass], Hacked Giblets [guitar] and Dogs Innards [Drums]. Musically far removed from the thrash clarity of '86 when the bands first demo 'Werewolf Chaos' burst forth upon the underground. The bands style was more Death charged and the tracks were spliced to one sample or another that eased you into the nightmarish aural chaos that illumed from the indignant music. Antichrist were by far, one of the most violent bands of the time in the UK. The track 'Stocking the Ovens of Death' is taken from the 'Diminished Responsibilities' compilation album released in '87.

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